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Not Good Enough

Updated: Aug 10, 2021

I was talking with an acquaintance about their friend in Queensland who keeps sending text messages with photos of the sea, the pool, and the blue sky. Here in Melbourne, in lockdown, he was lamenting the unfairness of his circumstances. Sometimes we feel like we don’t have enough. Perhaps we’ve been hard done by. Sometimes we even think God isn’t coming through for us. Or perhaps it is my spouse who isn’t good enough, because my friend’s spouse treats them so much better. Perhaps you feel you’re not good enough, but you can be if you try harder and harder AND harder!

Psalm 23 tells us we have a Shepherd who is looking after us and we shall not want, in fact we have all we need. This means excepting ourselves, others and being grateful for those possessions which we are blessed to have. Time for some honesty right now. I always wanted to speak as well as Joel Osteen or Victoria Osteen. It ain’t gonna happen folks. This is envy—it’s coveting and its sin.

Here’s an interesting story for you: At the time I’m talking about, I was unhappy with my speaking ability, particularly as a result of a message I had recently given. Around that time I was about to pick up a friend to join me for my morning swim, when she texted me she couldn’t make it. So, I was driving to the gym at an unusual time for me and of course listening to 96three at an unusual time. It must have been a radiothon time because I was listening to an articulate woman speak about how she felt about 96three and its impact on her life. I thought she’s right, I agree completely with everything she is saying and what a good speaker she is. I began to think if only…! And there I went again wishing I was someone else. However, with some incredible surprise and shock, I realised that I was listening to… guess who?

ME! it was me speaking! I vaguely remembered speaking one time some months previously but little did I know that it was recorded and that they would play it, at sometime in the future. It really made me sit up and pay attention, believe me. There I was, listening at a time I would never normally listen, at a time when I was unhappy with my ability as a speaker. Then, lo and behold there I was listening to me! Speaker. Articulate. Confident. I believe without a shadow of a doubt, it was God telling me that He has gifted me and I don’t need to be anybody else except who He made me to be.

Just like you, you have been given what you need with particular gifts, strengths, attributes, spouse, family, positions (fill in the gaps), that you need.

It’s true. You really do have all you need. In Jesus. Your Shepherd.

Are you trying to change others, yourself, get more of more? Remember the Shepherd - you shall not want. Instead of chasing other things, trying to get better for the wrong reasons or changing or attempting to change others, why not chase after God. See him first. How about listing what you have in yourself, in others, the benefits that you’ve been given, the gifts and the talents. The Shepherd needs you just as you are, so love what you have. You are blessed. You are special. You are you.

Love Peta XO

listen to 96three FM, 8.30am Thursdays.

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