I am not really sure if I am ashamed, but being absolutely transparent and naked with the bare, real me – well hang on, maybe there is a little bit of shame lurking about.
You and me both?
It all started long ago in the garden. Adam and Eve hid themselves, ashamed of their nakedness, now knowing good and evil after they ate what was forbidden. Like they hid from God, we hide from the world with our brokenness, insecurities and fears behind built-up layers of persona and façade.
The same as God knew about Adam and Eve’s nakedness and where they were, God knows all about our inner world and what we think is hidden. The Bible says He will never leave or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6) and that He goes before and behind us (Psalm 139:5). He must therefore know of your shame and your fears but thankfully He still sticks with you and me (Isaiah 41:10), even though He knows our junk.
What is this thing that makes us feel ashamed? It doesn't come from God but from the enemy of yours and my soul. So, it’s time to stop listening and ask forgiveness from God for believing and following the voice that lies. Then resist it with all that is in you!
Finding that resting place, free of shame, brings with it freedom from drivenness, guilt, unease and a deep sense of unimaginable peace. It’s like floating on air with the joy of the Lord.
It’s indescribable and you won’t believe it.
I totally recommend it!
Love Peta XO
Send me your questions on this topic to questions@petaempoweringyou.com
for the upcoming FB live Q & A on FORGIVING YOURSELF
Listen to me speak on this with Jay and Sam on 96three FM, 8.30am Fridays, or go to
96three.com or https://bit.ly/3i1AOFm
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