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Updated: Aug 9, 2021

…the kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant on the lookout for choice pearls. When he discovered a pearl of great value, he sold everything he owned and bought it! Matthew 13:45-46 NLT

We all contain a special God-given gift, talent, anointing for a purpose. What’s in your heart and that you long to do for God? Study the Bible, help marriages, teach, give, change careers, share your faith? As a life coach I see fear, indecision and distractions stop the potential from being released.

So, what is it that stops you? Perhaps it’s time to step out and step up with your gift into the anointing.

Your pearl is worth everything to find it, to dig it up and to get it out to the world. Are you holding it so tight that God hasn’t got a say in it? It can’t be organised or controlled in your own strength. Or are you hiding it because fear is holding you?

He wants you and I to pay the price—our pearl and we too, are so very valuable to God.

You’ve got to use it or lose it my friend. What will you do? I dare you to step out and have a go. Honour God with the pearl that He’s entrusted to you and you alone.

Next time I’ll give you some keys to help you get your pearl out into your world.

Love Peta XO

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