Will I tell my husband what I think about what he has just said, done or not done?
Or will I shut up? Mmm … tough one.
Will I cook meat, fish, chicken with veggies or salad or pasta?
Or bigger decisions such as, should I ring this person to have that difficult conversation or … not?
Will I change jobs, courses or even homes, countries? Some of you might be thinking husbands. (Oh no!)
Every day you and I have to make lots of decisions from too many choices. Each one is like coming up to a T-junction or a roundabout on the journey of life.
The choices and decisions made impact everyone around us. It’s daunting. Endless. Stressful.
At T-junctions or roundabouts, which way do I go? Right or left or exit? Ahhhhh … just missed the right turn-off. Or that one is a dead end. Here we go again!
Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.
Matthew 7:13-14 NKJV
God tells us here to avoid the wide pathway for the narrow road. It leads to life but is also difficult.
“What did I sign up for?” you ask.
I hear you.
So … the easy way says:
Let’s speak our mind when hubby doesn’t load the dishwasher (again), or when junior is dressed like a junk yard to match their room.
Or let’s keep that bitterness in our hearts when girlfriend-who-let-me-down deserves the cold shoulder.
And let’s avoid that difficult conversation.
Let’s not change. It’s too hard to move to a new area.
Let’s stay the same.
On the roundabout again.
OR …
God’s way says stop! Ask Me. Surrender to My way—the High way.
How would our journey be then?
Better I expect.
Lord, I ask You to show me Your will for the decisions I must make. I find myself going around and around in my head with all the different options to choose from. Show me Your way Lord. Even if I can’t see the road clearly ahead because it is misty and vague, I can follow You.
More on this-96three FM, 8.30am Thursdays.
96three.com https://bit.ly/3i1AOFm
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