It’s Mental health week, time to dust off and get up and get going, here are some tips to do that.
Today I was talking to DJ and Fel on Visio radio about what anyone can do to improve their mental health. And yes that is you and me.
As a Christian leader coach & couples counsellor, I help clients to firstly UNDERSTAND that everyone is made up of four composite parts which make the whole person. These are the BIO PSYCHO SOCIAL SPIRITUAL components. Any one of these out of whack impacts ALL THE OTHERS, so all of us need to check and attend to any area of struggle.
Secondly EXAMINE each area and ask yourself, and God – where am I stuck and why?
Then thirdly DO something about your stuckness!
But what?
Here are some practical applications after you have understood the impact of all part, you’re examining each part with God’s help to discover where you’re stuck and then lastly work on them so this is the do…
· BIO GIGO – gargabe om amd garbage out in a physical sense, including food, exercise, the essence is to do what you’ll do/ - if it’ with a friend to support you, and to keep you accountable some examples could be grounding, swimming, joggling, walking dancing, gym classes and the list goes on.
· PSYCHO The psychological area includes ruminating – which sends you nuts – get some help, trusted Christian, or someone that is trustworthy. As a leader coach I help clients look at the present stuckness to move forward, in counsellor work with couples I assist the digging deep for mental health issues. It all takes work but it is so worth it.
· SOCIAL Many studies are showing that all our health indicators do better when we are in community – so your church family, or exercising with a friend, in your marriage everything is impacted – Christian counselling will help you to think differently. Misunderstandings in communication are the main issue I find in my couples counselling work.
Some of my couple clients have said …..
Having counselling as a Christian couple has been both enlightening and confronting but we are grateful that Peta creates safety for us in that space. Together we are dealing with and pushing back the darkness and moving towards God’s light. S & S
It’s great to have help to both focus on solving the problems together. Before having Peta with us I felt alone in this. Christian couples counselling has definitely encouraged us both be open to change & although we are still on this journey, it’s a whole lot better now. TI
· SPIRITUAL This area recently added to the biopsychosocial component’s literature in psychology impacts everything in our lives. It is also an answer to ruminating. Are you listening to the enemy’s voice or God’s voice. It is time to replace the lies with the truth of God’s Word. And if you need to do some business to rid yourself this things, try these Rs - recognise, responsibility, repent, renounce.
One of my leader clients said ....
'Peta has helped me find clarity to be intentional about my long-term goals by cutting through confusion; understanding my strengths versus weaknesses and identifying God’s calling. As a leader in both the professional and church spaces I’m no longer striving but surrendering and stepping out in faith with confidence to unexpected God-ordained opportunities.' CM
Good mental health is focussing on yourself. It's not about ot focusing on others’ specks, without seeing our own logs, (Matthew 7:3-5); not making judgements, (Matthew 7:1-3); dealing with anger and unforgiveness, (Matthew 11:22-26; Prov 14:29) and overcoming fear (Isaiah 41:10). Instead of these eating you up, do the spiritual work.
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God bless