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Unstuck & Empowered

  • 18 Steps


Welcome to living Unstuck and Empowered! Do you long for freedom which to date might have seemed elusive? I understand your dilemma. I lived for many years as a Christian but still weighed down with problems. It has taken years of heartfelt searching the Scriptures, time in prayer, countless hours of study and help from wise coaches to navigate my way through to a much better place.. I prepared this video course with you in mind, so that hopefully you can find your way faster than I did. And then, the journey is not over until it’s over. Until that day when we go to be with the Lord, we fight on planet Earth in the environment in which God has placed us, in a battle that seems never-ending. In this course what I have learned through my own journey and through the journeys of the many people I’ve had the privilege to coach, I pray that you too will begin to find the answers that will create your freedom. If you and I were having a little chat, face-to-face, eyeball to eyeball in a coaching session and I could leave one important thought with you that summarises all of this course and all that I know and have learned I would say this to you! 'You CAN do this! The Holy Spirit is your helper; Jesus is your Saviour Who has done all that is needed for victory and because of the unending love of your Father in heaven. Your freedom is possible as you learn what to do in the coming video sessions! So don't give up – always get up again and keep going. Every day as you pull yourself up once more, practise the disciplines that I outline, I believe like me, your life can be different.. ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.’ Philippians 4:13 NKJV Blessings and love, Peta Soorkia

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